Christian Challenges

Christian challenges will come when we convert. We need to accept these trials and tribulations because they come to benefit us and God will help us.

Christianity is a route that will bring us closer to God, and we will experience joy and peace knowing that we are saved. However, the Bible says that there are challenges that will be experienced when you become a Christian that you will need to overcome.

One of the reasons people backslide and stop being Christians is because pastors and evangelists try to attract people to the religion by only talking about all the wonderful things they will have when they convert and deliberately neglect the trials and tribulations that every Christian will have to go through. This leaves many Christians confused when they start experiencing problems because they were not warned that they would happen. 

The Bible has the following bible verses that talk about the trials that you will experience when you convert to Christianity:


Problems are not allowed by God to make us miserable, but to build our character. He wants us to have the character of Christ, and we cannot unless we encounter Christian challenges which we need to overcome. The more challenges we overcome, the more Christ-like we become.

The book of Romans 5:3 says that we should glory in tribulation because it results in patience. Revelation 2:7 states that those who overcome will be able to eat the tree of life.


The main reason why the people of God face challenges is that they have an enemy called the devil. He is both the enemy of God and God’s people, and he tries to make the life of Christians a misery. When you convert to Christianity, you should read the Bible and understanding who the devil is and how he will attack you.

The following bible verses talk about the devil:


We read of the origin of the devil in the following bible verses.

The above shows that the devil was an angel (cherub) called Lucifer, who was cast kicked of heaven because iniquity (sin) was found in him. He had sinned and became proud and vain because of his beauty. He also wanted to be God and take his position. The devil is not an animal or a half-animal creature like a faun. Nor is he a being with horns and a lizard-like tail, and a pitchfork. He is an angel and used to be a good angel until he decided to sin.


From the above, it is clear that sin originated from the devil. He is the father of lies and is a murderer. He is also very deceptive. Revelation 12:9 states that the devil is the old serpent. The serpent deceived Eve in the book of Genesis. This means that the serpent in Genesis was, in fact, the devil. However, the devil is an angel, according to Ezekiel 28:14 -17. Therefore this means that the devil probably possessed the serpent and spoke through it. This makes sense since animals do not know how to talk, and the serpent spoke to Eve. There are examples of people being demon-possessed in the New Testament. There is also an example where demons possessed a herd of pigs and they ran off a cliff (Mark 5:1-13).


We must know who the devil is because he spends the whole day trying to tempt us and annoy us. He spends a lot of time planning how to steal, kill and destroy us (John 10:10). He is God’s enemy as well as our enemy. He is the reason why Eve ate the forbidden fruit. He is the reason why there is misery and why we are not in paradise. Here are more additional reasons to know who he is:

2 Corinthians 2:11 – This verse warns the devil tries to take advantage of us. If we are ignorant of the devil, including his devices, then he will take advantage of us. Therefore we must know who the devil is and what his devices are so that we are ready for his attacks.

Matthew 4:6 – The book of Matthew Chapter 4 talks about when the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus successfully thwarted the devil’s temptation by using scripture. However, we also see that the devil also knows the bible and tried to twist scripture to manipulate Jesus to sin. Therefore it is a lesson that if we want to defeat the devil, we must know the bible more than him and that if we do not, then he can use the bible against us by twisting its meaning or saying things out of context.

2 Corinthians 11:14 – This verse says that the devil transforms himself into an angel of light. There are two types of angels. There are the good angels on God’s side and the evil angels on the devil’s side. One cannot always tell whether an angel is good or bad by just looking at him. For example, the bible says that satan transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore if the devil approaches you, he will not look like a half-animal creature with two horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. Instead, the devil will come to you as a beautiful angel. Some people say that they have seen angels, and they need to be careful because it is possible that they saw the devil.


The devil is not an idle wicked angel. On the contrary, he is a fully engaged army general who attacks us daily in various ways. Here are some of the activities that he is involved in:


The primary method of defeating the devil is through the power of God and the Word of God.

Jesus, our Lord, and Savior defeated and overcame the temptations of the devil by quoting from scripture against him. Here are a few examples in the book of Matthew Chapter 4.

The book of Revelation also explains another way of defeating the devil. We do this by the blood of Jesus Christ and by our testimony.

We are also told in the book of Ephesians that we must put on the armor of God to fight and defeat the devil


However, we should not be sad or depressed because God has promised to be with us and help us.

Therefore, you do not need to fear because God will be with you and help you overcome Christian challenges you will experience.