Your Christian Journey Starts Here

Converting to Christianity is the best decision that anyone can do. However being a Christian has a lot of challenges and you need guidance on your path to life

The book of Matthew 7:13-14 in the bible says that the way to life is very narrow, the gate is strait, and few find it. The way to destruction, however, is broad, and the gate is wide.

When you decide to convert to Christianity, you are expected to choose to go through one of two paths. The one has a strait gate and narrow way. The second path has a wide gate and a broad way. The word “strait” is used to explain a situation characterized by a specified degree of trouble or difficulty.

The word narrow tells me that it is a lonely road because few people can go through the road at a time and possibly with no one visible walking beside you except God alone.

The narrow way is a path that few will find, meaning that those on the right path are part of the minority. When you think about this, it is a problematic situation. We are naturally social people who want to belong and want to be liked. Some of us want to be popular, and some of us desire fame. Many people do not want to be on a path alone.

However, as you read the bible and grow in Christ you will realize that you cannot always be a true Christian and fit in with the crowd as well as be part of the majority. You must expect to be an outcast, misunderstood, and rejected. This is a challenge and a difficulty for most of us.

But, you might say, “This does not make sense; there are over two billion Christians. Therefore there is a lot of Christian Conversion and many people are going to go to heaven.”

Yes, converting to Christianity is the first step on the path to heaven, but the question is whether you are in true Christianity or part of a counterfeit Christianity. There are many churches, so which should you go to and what is the difference between them? There are different types of the bible, so which is the best one to read? Why do Christians all behave so differently and have different beliefs, but they are all part of one religion?

There are so many questions that will come into your mind as you progress in your journey to heaven, and converting to Christianity will feel sometimes feel like it was the most problematic decision that you have ever made. Hang on there; you have not made a mistake; you need guidance and help to find the right way.

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Christian Basics

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Christian Challenges

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Prayer to God

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Helping you to grow to become a Christian and guiding you in your journey heavenward.